

Friday, August 28, 2009

Lecture 5

Lecture 5 starred guest speaker Jason Nelson who used his vibrant personality to gather the sleepy students attention as they struggled to stay awake with the 8 oclock lecture.
The first thing he showed us was speedtest.net a site which shows reaction times of computer interaction around the world.
He explained the Dot Com Crash where investors loosing money in the internet as it was not established.
When he showed archive.com it was a very nostalgic experience as screenshots through the internet ages appeared in front of me.
Jason continued to give a run down of the online networking industry showing several different websites as well as analyzing a hilarious online networking site, 'elftown'.
We also got a brief tour of google maps showing how to pin point poopy cat poop spots in the far north of Queensland.
A website called sketchkast showed the hillarious Lady and a Hotdog video that was very very very pointless.
To finish jason showed just how powerfull the internet is by the youtube video United Breaks guitar. A video which made so much of an impact it actually affected flight sales!
In all i found the lecture highly amusing as well as entertaining and informational.
Anywho back to editing my posts!

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