

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Week 3 Tutorial fun

Wide Shot- the subject takes up a full frame or at least the majority of it.

Medium shot- Shows a wider angle, such a shot generally puts its subject in equal size with its surroundings.

Extreme close up- gets right in and shows extreme detail. Normally there would be a specific reason to use such a shot.

Week 3 here we are! Just playing away starting to get the hang of the blog writing game.
Today Jules told us that he had put the rest of the blogging tasks on his blog, i should have all ready known this however due to some small technical errors my computer was down all weekend. hahahaha
Anyway the task of discovering definitions of the terms
ECU- Extreme close up
MS-Medium shot
WS-Wide shot
simply googling around different combinations bought up the above answers from a very helpful site. It also explained various other camera shots and angles such as the 'establishing shot (XLS)' and the 'medium long shot (MLS)'
the sites URL was -http://film.learnhub.com/lesson/7484-camera-shots

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