

Friday, August 28, 2009

Lecture 5

Lecture 5 starred guest speaker Jason Nelson who used his vibrant personality to gather the sleepy students attention as they struggled to stay awake with the 8 oclock lecture.
The first thing he showed us was speedtest.net a site which shows reaction times of computer interaction around the world.
He explained the Dot Com Crash where investors loosing money in the internet as it was not established.
When he showed archive.com it was a very nostalgic experience as screenshots through the internet ages appeared in front of me.
Jason continued to give a run down of the online networking industry showing several different websites as well as analyzing a hilarious online networking site, 'elftown'.
We also got a brief tour of google maps showing how to pin point poopy cat poop spots in the far north of Queensland.
A website called sketchkast showed the hillarious Lady and a Hotdog video that was very very very pointless.
To finish jason showed just how powerfull the internet is by the youtube video United Breaks guitar. A video which made so much of an impact it actually affected flight sales!
In all i found the lecture highly amusing as well as entertaining and informational.
Anywho back to editing my posts!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Make sure you reference and provide a bibliography to show you are starting to develop online research skills.

For the task mentioned by Josh at the lecture, we would like you to watch a Movie or Tv show and describe/explain the following...



Who- Vincent, Howard Moon, The shaman Naboo and his gorrila Boku as well as various other magical creatures.
What-Are shop keepers of Nabootique a magical shop owned by Naboo. Vincent and Howard often find themselves in troubling situations leading to different adventures.
When- The 3 series are based in present day.
Where- The Nabootique shop in London and its surrounds as well as the occasional international adventure.
Why-The hapless Howards constant struggle to stay in control and the air-headed yet lovable Howards comical personalities combine to take part in the adventures which appear in front of them.

Written by and starring comedians Julian Barratt and Noel Fielding
What- A very unusual comedy where a series of different problems arise leading to the somewhat bizare acting of both julian and Noel. The show often has very unexpected twists and turns keeping the viewer very much on their toes. 
When-Shot in present time
Where- In london
Why- To allow the viewer to take part in a 'journey through time and space'

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Lecture 4- From Big Screen to Very Small

This lecture was about the trials and tribulations of film and internet over a timeline, a very interesting timeline at that!

1895 - Birth of Cinema
1906 - First feature length Narrative Film was made and released (60-70 min) - This film was Australia's 'Ned Kelly' an Australian made and produced film.
1927 - "Talkies" - dialogue, music in movies - THE JAZZ SINGER being the first
1929 - First all colour movie
1933 - First drive in theater
1937 - Snow White (full length film: talking, singing, moving Animated Movie)
1939 - T.V.
1952 - Birth of 3D
1955 - Movies on T.V.
1956 - AMPEX made first VTR or VCR
1959 - Percepto Vision (movie Tingler)and Aromorama.. Smellovision
1963 - AMPEX released consumer VCR and the birth of MULTIPLEX CINEMA
1967-69 - Sony introduces VCR and PORTAPAK
1972 - Pay T.V.
1985 - First Blockbuster Opened
1986 - PIXAR - Luxo JR. short C.G.I. Animated Film
1995 - TOY STORY - Full C.G.I. Animation
1997 - DVD Video, TROOPS - Star Wars Universe crossed with "Cops"
2001 - BMW - "The Hire" short films, 8 films 10 minutes (stared Clive Owen)

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Scavenger hunt!

1. What is the weight of the world's biggest pumpkin? How long did it take to grow?

Joe Jutras on his 1689 pound pumpkin which was weighed at the Topsfield Fair GPC weigh-off in Topsfield, MA on September 29, 2007. Joe grew this monster on the 998.6 Pukos 2005 and crossed it with 1225 Jutras 2003.

The source of this information was -http://www.bigpumpkins.com/viewarticle.asp?id=162&gid=50

"That pumpkin grew in 87 days. It was an average of 20 pounds a day. I went on vacation for three days and came back and it was huge."

The source of this information was -www.salemnews.com/punews/local_story_273234042.html

2. What is the best way (quickest, most reliable) to contact Lilly Allen?

Through yahoo.com search i discovered Twitter is the best way to contact Lilly, however your chances of her replying are slim to none.

3. What is the length of a giraffe's tongue?

"The giraffe has the longest tongue in the animal kingdom. It can extend to a record length of 53cm! Its flexible tongue functions like a ‘hand’ for grasping leaves. It has a tough and leathery surface, which allows the animal to feed on the thorny acacia." I was very startled by this news as i knew their tongues where big but not half a meter long.

The source of this information was - http://www.zoo.com.sg/spotlight/african_giraffe.htm

4. How would you define the word 'glycomics'? In your own words, what does it really mean ?

“Glycomics,” the scientific attempt to characterize and study carbohydrates, is a rapidly emerging branch of science, for which informatics is just beginning.


What does the term 'seagull manager' refer to?

According to http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Seagull%20Management

The type of management is 'where your boss hovers around the, takes the good ideas for himself/herself, and shits on every other idea you have.'

However a more refined search bought about the results 'Seagull manager is a

Transient, highly critical manager: a manager whose interaction with the workforce consists in arriving, criticizing everything and everybody harshly, and leaving again

Reference: http://www.ask.com/bar?q=seagull+manager&page=1&qsrc=0&ab=4&u=http%3A%2F%2Fuk.encarta.msn.com%2Fdictionary_1481585101%2Fseagull_manager.html

5. What was David Cronenberg's first feature film? Which of his films Had 'Blondie' in it?

Videodrome- "Love it or loathe it, David Cronenberg's 1983 horror film Videodrome is a movie to be reckoned with. Inviting extremes of response from disdain (critic Roger Ebert called it "one of the least entertaining films ever made") to academic euphoria, it's the kind of film that is simultaneously sickening and seemingly devoid of humanity, but also blessed with provocative ideas and a compelling subtext of social commentary."

Source of information was http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0086541/

6. When was the original 'Hacker's Manifesto' written?

The Hacker Manifesto was written on January 8th 1986 by a lord Blanken Shepard.

The source was - http://www.mithral.com/~beberg/manifesto.html

7. Why do phone numbers in Hollywood films start with '555'?

Due to the low fill of the 555 code Hollywood was encouraged to quote 555 numbers in their production to prevent people calling the numbers written on the screen.


8. What is the cheapest form of travel from the Gold Coast to Sydney?

Varying with air flights, virgin, Jetstar ect. However to truly do it cheaply hitchhiking is the only was you can usual get down there within 24 hours.

9. What song was top of the Australian Pop Charts this week in 1965?

Ray Brown & the Whispers with their song Fool, Fool, Fool was top of the charts this week in 1965 with #1 Sydney #4 Melbourne #2 Brisbane #1 Adelaide #1 Perth


10. Which Brisbane band includes Stephen Stockwell on keyboards and vocals?

The Black Assassins were a vital part of the Brisbane Punk scene which developed in the late 1970's and early 1980's. They played at every major venue at one time or another. Sometimes they got banned for outrageous behavior.

So the Brisbane punk band the black assassins starred Stephen Stockwell on key board and vocals!

The source of this information was -http://members.optusnet.com.au/~toxicoh/blackas.htm

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Rooooler coaster

Youtube, how aware are you?

Week 3 Tutorial fun

Wide Shot- the subject takes up a full frame or at least the majority of it.

Medium shot- Shows a wider angle, such a shot generally puts its subject in equal size with its surroundings.

Extreme close up- gets right in and shows extreme detail. Normally there would be a specific reason to use such a shot.

Week 3 here we are! Just playing away starting to get the hang of the blog writing game.
Today Jules told us that he had put the rest of the blogging tasks on his blog, i should have all ready known this however due to some small technical errors my computer was down all weekend. hahahaha
Anyway the task of discovering definitions of the terms
ECU- Extreme close up
MS-Medium shot
WS-Wide shot
simply googling around different combinations bought up the above answers from a very helpful site. It also explained various other camera shots and angles such as the 'establishing shot (XLS)' and the 'medium long shot (MLS)'
the sites URL was -http://film.learnhub.com/lesson/7484-camera-shots

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Strange Eiffel Tower happenings

Computers becoming a way of life

'Every abstract machine is linked to other abstract machines......Mechanosphere'

'Nature cannot be separated from culture now more than ever. The interactions between technological and biological ecosystems emerging out of our culture – can be seen as the Mechanosphere.'

This mornings lecture was opened with a paragraph by Deleuze and Guattari. It was said that all machines are linked through numerous different ways and directions and finished his quote with mechanosphere, a word not in the dictionary but defined as the intertwining and interactions of all forms of machines technologically, biologically and culturally.

The lecture itself was very good with a presentation on the history of computers both business and personal.
Computers began as big units which where only available for large institutions such as governments and universities and evolved into todays super computers through many smart individuals and the companies Xerox PARC, Apple & the PC.

As you can see there has been a few small changes in apples advertising campaigns. A change in time, technology and definitely in advertising.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Telephones have come a very very very long way. If i compare the original telephone to my current Iphone (before it has been blended- see below) it is hard to imagine the differences in ones lifestyle then in comparison with now. The actual communication with another person that you don't work or live with would be so much more significant. If i only saw my friends in person my relationship with them would be very different as the frequency with which i would be able to interact with them would be less but the time spent with perhaps more valued. During the time periods when i have lost or broken my phones I have actually put such a theory to test and have found that when I do manage to contact a friend I value interacting with them alot more.

Convergent technologies

As a follow on from last weeks lecture we have been instructed to post 4 examples of convergent technologies in our blog,....aaaaalllrightt

The can on a string is a piece of very innovative technology dating back as far as the 1600s when a Mr Robert Hooke experimented sound transmission through a distended wire using other available cup-like objects as in this era the tin can was not commonplace.
reference at http://wapedia.mobi/en/Tin_can_telephone

The tin can is also a useful backyard toy for any creative kid looking to have fun and create his own super cubby house. I actually had one running from my jacaranda tree lookout.

Old School Mobile phones

iphones durability test

Password dilemmas

So Wednesday comes around again and i wake up, rush breakfast, shower and sign into my gmail account. Or not, it appears my password or username are invalid hmm perfect exactly what i need 20 mins before class! After trying numerous different combinations of my password convinced its my password i give in and decide to figure it out at class.
Brisk walk to class and I'm the late guy that walks in just as Jules is beginning to explain the morning activities. Not to worry as i sign in and discover i had actually misspelt my username which is my student number that i know like the back of my hand. Duhh
Anyway time to get to work!