

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Lecture Week 9!

Jason Neilson struck again in week 9 with ‘Jason’s all everything, gigantic & super lecture on how to teach yourself software’

He basically gave a broad rundown on the Inns’ and out’s of learning software easily.

It was explained that there is no real easy way to do this but basically the best method is through trial and error- Actually clicking on icons to see what they do rather than being scared and avoiding them.

Jason gave a run down of Adobe Flash which is a program used on nearly all major sites especially the more dynamic one. It was explained that there is numerous different versions of adobe flash and the program is constantly being upgraded.

It was stated that although you can pick up software basics quite easily in just a few days it is not so easy to produce good quality software in this time and that practice and skill are required to eliminate flaws and glitches in your work.

Jason emphasised the importance of saving your work. He then emphasised it again. Then again………..and again. He explained how important this is as it is so simple to do and the amount of time saving takes is miniscule compared to the time it takes to re-do work.

The idea of not wasting your time on trying to figure out one set way of completing a task was discussed as you can find yourself in a trap of going round in circles without coming across the right result. The use of forums and the help program where also suggested as although it may seem like a useless idea the success rate of such approaches is high.

He finished with saying it can be easy to create software but anyone with skills will know wether it is good or bad so the content of your work is paramount to your success.


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